Monday, February 18, 2008

Returning to an old habit

Back when i was in Raffles Girls' Primary School, i recall being given a diary by the school to write a sentence or paragraph of what i did each day. Some days my entries would be as lame as,"Today i had noodles during recess.". Other days i would run out of space writing about an adventure i had with my pet cocker spaniel. Little did i know then that this early start to cultivating the habit of keeping a diary would lead me to many pages of personal and sometimes extremely emotional entries over the years and finally to an electronic version today!

As i start this blog, i hope to share parts of my life with you and in so doing, have a journal to which my kids can look back on later in life and have a chuckle or cry reading about how their mummy coped with their antics and got through parenthood :)

I don't know about you but for me, the best part of keeping a diary is reading it.


indierocker said...

hi maryann... i flew over your blog while blogsurfing... it's a thing i do just to have a different look at the world... nice pictures, really!!! ..and it's a honor to post the first comment ever on your blog! good luck for everything!!!

maryann koh said...

hurray! my first comment!!! thanks indierocker! :) will surf on over to your blog soon, take care!