Monday, September 8, 2008

Need Therapy

Kayden is 3 years old today and instead of being happy, I am rather sad. On Sunday we had a small party for him at our home. The guests are people he has met before but yet again (no surprise) he clams up when they arrive. He also becomes a mute and grouch, refusing to interact with anyone other than his daddy :( This is very upsetting for me as he is a total opposite when alone with us. All chatty, happy and generally behaving like a typical toddler.

When he was just a month old baby, I brought him out with me everywhere and he was such a happy child who's not shy to flash his infectious smile at strangers. And when The Studio Loft started operations, he too came with me to the studio everyday. We took the MRT and he sat in the Ergo or in his stroller. Interaction with strangers is the norm. Until he turned 20months were we separated (during the day) as he started pre nursery school. We thought early schooling would lead him to be a more sociable child but his behaviour lately has led me to think otherwise.

Autism has even crossed my mind. Should I bring him for some kind of therapy? Where or what shall I start with I don't even know. Sigh. Friends say it gets better with age but looking at his behaviour for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd birthday parties, this is the worse.

Erwin and I took the day off to spend some time with him today. We bought a cake and made goodie bags for him to celebrate with his classmates in the morning. He was so quiet and such a sourpuss during the cake cutting I was on the verge of shouting at him. That was how frustrated I was with this son of mine. I asked Miss Juliana if he was always like this in class. She said never, he's always very talkative and jovial and she said it could be that we were there that's why. Huh? Thought us being there would help :*( Then we went to the studio to get some solo shots of him taken to mark his 3rd birthday and we took some family pix as well. Thanks Char for helping us shoot. Finally, we took him for a ride on the Singapore Flyer (thanks Ben!). It was our first time and it was quite alright, not thrilling but a different perspective of Singapore. Dylan slept through the whole ride btw :p

I've given up asking why he's like that or what I've done wrong in the upbringing. All I can do now is try to be more patient with him and hope he gets better through our love and reasoning. Wish us luck!


Anonymous said...

Not an expert maybe he just need more time to warm up.

maryann koh said...

erwin did some research on the internet, seems like K has selective mutism. check out this site:

will check with his PD on our next visit :(

Edith said...

My daughter was like that previously. My MIL taught she was mute coz she can spend the whole day there and not talking. But once in the car, she yaks non stop. In school, there are days she is shy and reserved but there are days she is okay.

Bring him to my place and see whether he can open up. So far, kids are very happy here playing. Perhaps can arrange with Jinny and have a garden tea party. What says you?

maryann koh said...

hi edith, thanks so much for the offer, i'll check with the daddy and let you know :) Do you mean Jinny (jtan4) from M4M with sons Iain & Aiden? Sure, i'll check with her!