Friday, June 24, 2011

Rah Rah video (ok ok, it's a slideshow)!

Sorry for the plug again...we finalists for the Singapore Blog Awards have been ordered told to make a video of our blog to garner votes :p Here's my little video slideshow made with iMovie. It took me way longer and way more effort than expected as it was my first time using this software. Stuff that I could easily do with professional software like Final Cut Pro or Premiere are not possible with iMovie. But please do turn up your speakers, I have edited the video to the piece of soundtrack :) Hope you enjoy it! Please vote for me once a day till 3 July under Best Family Blog category, thank you! :)



Anonymous said...

good job !!! love the video.

maryann koh said...

thanks cat :p i lost more than 10hours of sleep over it i think :D