Saturday, March 28, 2009

The overpriced slippers people

Guess what? My old studio at Devonshire Road has been rented to the overpriced slippers people. I got their contact from the property agent who rented the premises to them. Reason I was calling them up was because it's been a year since I moved out of there and the new tenant was supposed to get back to me about whether they want to take over our 4 aircon units there. Unfortunately nobody called me and I thought the place was not rented out till last week when I called the agent to enquire about getting back the aircon units and she told me that it has been rented to them! When I called the tenant, he said he had no idea the aircon belonged to us and assumed it belonged to the landlord. I asked why he didn't find it strange that there were no remote controls for all the units (candida and i decided to take them with us when we left) and he said doesn't mean no remote controls means it's not meant for their usage right? WTF? I said hey, ignorance is not an excuse, the agent said she told you that they belonged to us and you were supposed to let us know if you want to buy them over, not just conveniently use it with some remote control you bought! I asked if they would at least pay us for rental of the units since they have been using it for a year, NO was his answer, "take them all back". Freaking hell, damn gay boys! I have nothing against gays incase you are wondering, some of my close friends are gays. But these people are just being downright unfair and the property agent is of no help as usual. So the very next day, I took back all the units, leaving them with a lot of hot air :D *evil laughter* AND, I am going to boycott their shop!


itsy said...

But hey, you are linking their shop. Why give them business?? May they sweat to death hahahaha.......

F A I T H said...

Whoahahaha... Before I entered the link to the name of the shop, I JUST KNEW IT must be them!!! And I'm not surprised. You're right, they are simply bitchy!!!

dardar6374 said...

well done.. they deserve it !!

hiPPo said...

whahahah! well done maryann!! woohoo! i sorta guessed who they were before i moved the mouse to the link when u mentioned gayboys.. LOL.. boycott!!